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This Women’s Day Inspire A Girl To Be Ambitious, Confident, Empowered, And Free.

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Following is a letter from Ila Imani, CEO of Expenzing to all employees on the occasion of International Women’s Day

It’s International Womenโ€™s Day.

For a moment, letโ€™s pause and acknowledge the contribution of women in our own lives and in the world around us. Let us salute to them.

To thousands of front-line women workers who led the war against Covid19 as doctors, nurses, and hospital staff risking the lives of their own families, who waited in fear for their loved ones to return home safe.

To thousands of labourers, small vendors and daily wage earners, domestic help who lost their livelihoods, faced harsh challenges, but continued to take care of their families.

To the thousands of women who juggled their job while working from home along with the housework and childrenโ€™s studies, especially with no external house-help available.

To the women who sacrificed their careers to stay at home and look after their families and further their husbandโ€™s career.

To the countless teachers who struggled and persisted to ensure that children continued their education, from home.

As we salute their courage let us pledge to make a difference in the lives of girls and women in our lives.

Are you a parent of a young girl? Her uncle/aunt? Her brother/sister?

Buy her books about space missions and Kalpana Chawla, read to her how Jacinda Ardern the New Zealand Prime Minister handled the terrorist attack on the mosque and later the Covid19 situation in her country, how Oprah Winfrey rose to the top, how a teenage kid Malala Yousafzai fought for girls education even as the Taliban tried to murder her, how the lovely Jane Goodall became the voice of chimpanzees around the world, how Harry Potter was created by JK Rowling, how the youngest Poet Laureate ย Amanda Gorman and her recent poem at the Presidential swearing-in ceremony in the USA, the impact that Melinda Gates is making to improve lives of the poor, and so on. Tell her about women scientists like Dr K Sumathy who leads vaccine research at Bharat Biotech, and Sarah Gilbert who developed the Oxford vaccine. Of how successful global companies like facebook, SAP, Youtube, Accenture etc have women in leadership roles.

Talk to her about Indian women who are leading people and corporations, and impacting the lives of thousands โ€“ Rekha Menon Chairperson Accenture India, Padmasree Warrier CTO CISCO globally, Dr Arundhati Bhattacharjee SBIโ€™s first woman chairperson and now CEO of Salesforce in India, Roshni Nadar leading HCL, Kiran-Majumdar Shaw an entrepreneur of global fame who set up BioCon, Zia Mody who scaled new heights in the legal field. Create new role models for the young girl.

Teach her to be ambitious, and confident, so she can find a place of empowerment and freedom for herself.

And if you are a woman, recognise your journey so far to reach till here. Acknowledge the persons in your life who made that happen. Your father? Your mother? Your husband? Your friend?

Be confident about what you can achieve. Be comfortable with how you look. Set your sights high. You can have a powerful impact in the lives of your family and friends. Be financially independent, and emotionally strong.

Happy Womenโ€™s Day to all!

Some links you would enjoy and also to share:

Kalpana Chawla

Amanda Gorman

JK Rowlingโ€™s commencement address at Harvard

Why giving away wealth has been the most satisfying thing we have done : Melinda and Bill Gates

Malalaโ€™s Nobel Prize Speech

Jane Goodall, a retrospective

On being a mother, not a superwoman โ€“ Jacinda Ardern, whoโ€™s voice is becoming more and more respected the world over:


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