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The Implications of Mandatory e-invoicing and the Importance of Capturing IRN Numbers



Recent news has revealed a significant change in invoicing requirements for businesses in India. The mandate states that any vendor with more than Rs 5 Crore in turnover will now require mandatory e-invoicing. This shift has created a compliance challenge for organizations, especially those unprepared for the sudden increase in statutory obligations. This blog post aims to shed light on the importance of adhering to the new regulations and capturing the Invoice Reference Number (IRN) for effective financial management.

1. Understanding Mandatory e-invoicing and IRN:

Under the new regulations, mandatory e -invoices must possess an IRN QR code, a 64-digit alpha-numeric number generated by the Indian government’s invoicing system. Compliance entails recording and verifying the IRN to ensure its authenticity. Unfortunately, many finance teams are neglecting this crucial step, leaving the organization exposed to risks.

2. The Benefits of Capturing IRN:

While the mandatory capture of IRN numbers may seem like an added burden, it actually offers numerous benefits for businesses. By accurately capturing the IRN, organizations can obtain precise invoice information. This process not only streamlines the filling of invoice forms but also minimizes reconciliation time, providing valuable efficiency gains.

3. The Risks of Non-Compliance:

Failing to capture and verify IRN numbers exposes businesses to several risks. These risks include:

a. Duplicate Invoices: Dishonest vendors may attempt to submit duplicate invoices for items or services already paid for. Verifying the IRN can help detect such fraudulent attempts.

b. Falsified Goods or Services: Some vendors may attempt to pass off bills for goods or services that were never provided. The IRN number can help identify such discrepancies.

c. Inflated Prices or Quantity: Vendors may overcharge by altering agreed-upon rates or invoicing for a larger quantity than delivered. Implementing robust internal financial controls and cross-referencing the IRN can help mitigate this risk.

d. Manipulation of GST Rates: Suppliers may manipulate the GST rates to reduce their own tax liability. Organizations need to pay the correct GST and offset the appropriate amounts, which can be facilitated by verifying the IRN.

e. Phishing Scams: Unscrupulous individuals may send fake invoices in an attempt to deceive organizations. Verifying the IRN can help identify and prevent such fraudulent activities.


The accelerated journey towards mandatory e-invoicing and the capture of IRN numbers has placed a significant burden on accounts payable teams. However, the risks associated with non-compliance make it imperative for organizations to adopt appropriate measures. By leveraging tools like Expenzing, businesses can efficiently capture and verify IRN numbers, effectively mitigating the risks while saving valuable time and resources. It is essential for organizations to embrace the use of QR codes and IRN numbers to unlock the benefits and eliminate the potential pitfalls of non-compliance. To address the challenges and overload faced by AP teams, reach out to Expenzing for a demonstration of our platform’s capabilities in handling the IRN factor.


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