Centralized management of decentralized assets.

Decentralized management styles in organizations today often result in articles of value being acquired in multiple locations or being acquired in a central location and used in multiple ones. The result is loss of ownership or usership information for the organizations assets and sometimes even misuse of that lack of information.

Expenzing Asset Manager is cloud enabled software that maintains record of acquisition of assets, their location, and assigned users in a digital asset register. Depreciation calculations can be done and assets which can be taken off the register when disposed off or at end of life.

Procurement to capitalization is easy.

Expenzing Asset Manager integrates with Expenzing Procurement Manager to make it really easy to capitalize items procured by an organization. Even if the procurement is done manually or via an ERP it is a breeze to set up an asset as a capital good and take it on to the asset register.


Put the asset to use without losing sight of it.

Assets need to put to use or else they stop being assets in the true sense of the word. Expenzing Asset Manager allows organizations to keep track of the physical location of assets and the employee who is assigned the ownership or usership of the asset.


How would you like your depreciation?

Expenzing Asset Manager calculates depreciation through several standard accounting formulae. Choose the methodology that is right for the asset and in line with your corporate accounting policies.

We invite you to take a closer look

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